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This is my recipe for focaccia. Made it many times, and it’s always well appreciated.


400 grams flour
280 grams water
9 gram dry yeast
Combine these ingredients and let it rest for 15 minutes

Mix in 12 grams of salt and let it rest again for 15 minutes

Mix in 20 grams of olive oil and again 15 minutes rest

Fold the dough. Turn it 90 degrees. Fold again. Turn it and fold it another 3 times. Then let it rest for 40 minutes.

Repeat this folding and resting process 2 times

Oil and oven pan and sprinkle 2 tablespoons of semolina on the bottom

Flatten the dough and spread some olive oil on top

Let it rise for 1 or 1 1/2 hours

If you are preparing for a party or large dinner you could do this the day before (keep the dough in a cool place or the fridge)

Flatten the dough and let it rest for 10 minutes

Preheat the oven at 220 degrees Celsius

Make a salamoia by combining 30 grams of olive oil with 30 grams of water. Shake well in a shaker. With your finger put little holes in the dough, and spread the salamoia over the dough.

Sprinkle a little Fior di Sale (Fleur de Sel) over the dough

Bake it in the oven for 30 - 40 minutes until it has a nice color.

Let it cool down and enjoy!
