My name is Harry van den Bergh. I live in The Netherlands, and am a husband, father & grandfather.
I work as alliance manager at open source company SUSE. More information on my professional life can be found on Linkedin.
I am interested in web development & web design, so the main goal of this site is to play around with web technology.
Food is my great passion, I like cooking & reading about food. Cooking is a never ending learning journey. Another thing I am learning is making music. I do it "in the box" with tools like Ableton Live, Koala Sampler & others. I also like making DJ mixes, for that I use DJ Studio.
During the summertime we like to travel with our full electric eBerlingo campervan. You can follow our camping adventures via Polarsteps.
You can contact me via my socials (links on top) like BlueSky or send an email